Deploying, this site

First things first, creating and deploying this site. I wanted to get something up and running as fast as possible so just pulled down a website template and deployed to AWS using Amplify, which I'm already familiar with.

Getting the site ready for deployment

  1. Download template from Tailwind UI (Full access plan).
    The one I chose specifically can be found here
  2. Get the downloaded template up and running locally so that it can be edited.
    After downloading and unzipping the files, cd into the project and run yarn followed by yarn dev.
  3. Once I'm happy we everything locally it's time to deploy it to AWS.

Deploying to AWS using Amplify

  1. Following this guide Deploy to AWS using Amplify
    Be sure to update the .eslint.json and next.config.js files as mentioned in the docs or deployment will not succeed.
  2. When completed you should be presented with a URL for your domain, something like

Connecting Route53 domain (Super easy with Amplfy)

  1. Navigate to the Route53 dashboard within the AWS console and register your new domain name, this may take some time.
  2. Once you have a domain successfully set up in Route53 navigate to Amplify console within the AWS console.
  3. Within the Amplify dashboard you should be able to see your recently deployed NextJS app, click in to it.
  4. On the navigation pane on the left go to Domain Management and click on Add Domain on the top left.
  5. You should now be able to select your Route53 domain and save the default settings. It may take some time to complete.


Whenever I want to make changes I simply work away on localhost until I'm happy then run amplify publish --profile=my_profile_name (if using the default aws cli profile the profile flag is not needed.)

Potential next steps would be to upload this project to a Github repo and create a pipeline to the Amplify project that will handle CI/CD for us.